Black Americans are discriminated against in the workplace and in public Policy

At least 50% of Black Americans (57%) or more report encountering personal bias in receiving equal pay, being considered for promotions, or applying for jobs (56 %). Discrimination in America NPR, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (Source) [4-6].
At least 50% of Black Americans (57%) or more report experiencing personal bias when it comes to receiving equal pay, being considered for promotions, or applying for jobs (56 percent). Discrimination in America NPR, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (Source)The majority of Black Americans—60%—claim that they or a family member have been stopped or handled unfairly by the police solely because they are Black, and the majority of Black Americans—45%—claim that the courts have treated them unfairly. What is shown in the news regarding racial prejudice in America, according to Robert Blendon, a professor at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, “corresponds to the very genuine personal experiences” of African Americans [4, 5, 7].
At least 50% of Black Americans (51%) report having personally encountered racial epithets or derogatory remarks regarding their race or ethnicity. A 52%. According to 4 in 10 Black Americans, being Black has led to acts of violence, threats, or non-sexual harassment against them or a member of their family [3, 8-10].
Professor of sociology, Florence Sprague, and Laura Smart Norman David Williams, Professor of Public Health at Harvard University. He asserts that it is generally known that Black Americans in America often have worse health and pass away earlier than White Americans. According to Williams, “this survey helps us identify the areas where we need to take action to solve the problem.”[11-13].
According to a poll conducted by the Pew Research Center for the National Black Health Project and Kaiser Permanente, over 22% of Black Americans indicated they have delayed getting medical care for themselves or a member of their family because of fear of discrimination [14-16].
Nearly 50% of Black Americans say that discrimination based on prejudice is the greater problem, compared to 25% who think it is based on laws and government policies. Another quarter of those surveyed think that both forms of discrimination are detrimental. On October 24, NPR will also start airing a multi-part series [17-19].
African Americans are subjected to discrimination at work and in government policy. The series’ concluding report will highlight the key developments and assess how each successive report compares to the ones that came before it. The findings of this study are based on a random sample of 802 African Americans who are nationally representative. In addition to samples from white Americans, the poll also included samples from LGBTQ individuals, African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans, and Native Americans [20, 21].
In conclusion, Black Americans complain that in 45% of events, the police stopped them or a member of their family without cause, and in 45% of cases, the courts handled them unjustly. According to the majority of Black Americans, prejudice-based discrimination is a larger problem than following the law, but only 25% of White Americans agree. The findings of a nationwide representative sample of 802 people who were chosen at random are presented in this study.
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