“I can’t breathe”

‘I can’t breathe’: The refrain that reignited a movement
Two-thirds of US citizens now endorse #BlackLivesMatter as a newly reimagined slogan for police. Millions of people from all walks of life have been demonstrating, chanting, kneeling, and calling for change in the United States for weeks.
More than 125 instances of police brutality against protestors in the USA have been reported by Amnesty International. Police attacked protesters with tear gas, rubber bullets, impact rounds, pepper balls, motorcycles, and batons. Some protesters targeted small children, medical personnel, legal observers, and journalists.
The officers involved in George Floyd’s death were charged
George Floyd died as a result of Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck for more than eight minutes. Four former cops are engaged in the event,
including him.Alli Jarrar/Amnesty International
Alli Jarrar/Amnesty International
1. Conversations on defunding police have begun
A majority of the Minneapolis city council members vowed to abolish the police force. The budget for the LAPD was recommended to be cut by up to $150 million in Los Angeles. Other mayors have also stated they would think about reducing police funding, including those in Boston, Lansing, Michigan, and Seattle, Washington.
2. Monuments memorializing the US’ racist history have been removed
In locations around the United States, memorials and sculptures honoring people with racist pasts have been taken down. Such monuments have been destroyed or defiled in a number of cities, including Boston, Dallas, Birmingham, Washington, Richmond, and San Francisco.
3. New laws at state and local levels addressing police reform are being passed
Police agencies are revising and reevaluating their policies on the use of force, and some are acting quickly to stop bloodshed. Following the death of George Floyd, chokeholds have been outlawed in the cities of Denver, Colorado; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Houston, Texas; Austin, Texas; Washington, D.C.; Chicago, Illinois; and Phoenix, Arizona. Both New Jersey and New York have pledged to updating their use-of-force policies for all police officers. New York has vowed to dissolve its plain-clothes anti-crime squad.
1. Sports leagues acknowledge impact of racism on the industry
The Confederate flag is forbidden at all racing events, according to the National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR). The Association declared: “Our commitment to fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment is violated by the appearance of the Confederate Flag at NASCAR events.” The NFL Commissioner acknowledged the league’s prior errors and cited its unwillingness to acknowledge players’ condemnation of racism and nonviolent demonstrations.
Corporations Take Action to Address Racism
All three companies, including Amazon, Starbucks, and Johnson & Johnson, have vowed to stop selling skin-lightening goods and other things that support racial stereotypes. In addition to spending $400 million over the following five years to help Black communities, PepsiCo is removing the name and image of Aunt Jemima. Black Lives Matter t-shirts and pins are permitted for firm employees to wear as a sign of their opposition to racism.
Juneteenth is considered for observance as a national holiday
The 19th of June is remembered as the first day on which the abolition of slavery in the United States was officially commemorated. Federal lawmakers proposed legislation in 1865 designating Juneteenth as a national holiday. Hawaii, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana were the only four states in the USA that did not observe the day as a state holiday or observance. Employers including Twitter, Nike, Mastercard, and Vox Media declared Juneteenth to be a paid holiday for staff members.
President Trump Signs Executive Order Re: Banning Chokeholds
President Trump signed an executive order encouraging police stations to outlaw chokeholds with federal money following weeks of demonstrations and pressure from impacted communities. Amnesty International feels that more work needs to be done and is dissatisfied with the Executive Order. People in the USA and other nations have steadfastly demanded that Black people have equal treatment.